Најдобрата продавница за секс кукли во САД, Канада & Европа. Бесплатна испорака & најдобри цени.

Кои се недостатоците на најреалните секс кукли?

Кукли од ниска класа кои моментално се на пазарот, главно кукли со цена под 300 американски долари, уште има многу дефекти. Главните дефекти се како што следува:

(1) Скелетот на куклата е груб и вкочанет, не може да направи неколку пози, и тоа е многу макотрпно. И скелетот нема еластичност и амортизирање, it feels like playing with zombies.

(2) The doll does not have a weight-reducing liner, resulting in the doll’s weight as high as 40 килограм, and ordinary people can’t move it at all. If you hug a real person with 40 kilograms, it is easier to hug because the real person will cooperate with the hug. But the doll is stiff, so ordinary people can hardly hold it.

(3) The raw materials used in the production of dolls are in pursuit of low prices, are of poor quality, have a relatively unpleasant smell, are easy to crack, easy to produce oil, and easy to deform. For many dolls, when the consumer poses in a larger range, this pose will crack after a day or two.

(4) The body shape of some dolls is not well designed and does not conform to the structure of the human body. When using the doll, many sex positions are deformed seriously, and no suitable clothes for the doll can be found.


Adult Sex Doll Store® has carried out hundreds of innovations through more than 4 years of research and development and has overcome most of the poor experiences of dolls, and there is no such shortcoming.

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