Der beste Sexpuppenladen in den USA, Kanada & Europa. Kostenloser Versand & bester Preis.

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Was sind die wesentlichen Vorteile von Silikon-Sexpuppen??

Sexpuppen aus Silikon, auch als Liebespuppen oder Silikonpuppen bekannt, werden in der Erwachsenenunterhaltung immer beliebter. Diese lebensgroßen Puppen bestehen aus Silikon, ein weiches und langlebiges Material, wodurch sie sich sehr realistisch anfühlen und aussehen.

Sexpuppen aus Silikon haben mehrere Vorteile. Hygiene und Sicherheit sind zwei ihrer Hauptvorteile.

  • Unlike real human partners, silicone dolls do not carry any sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or diseases. This means users do not have to worry about contracting STIs or diseases from their silicone dolls.
  • Silicone sex dolls are also very low maintenance. They do not require feeding, bathing, or grooming, and they do not produce any waste. Infolge, they are much easier to care for than real human partners.
  • Another benefit of silicone sex dolls is that they are extremely durable. A Sexpuppe aus Silikon doesn’t know its age or degrade over time like a real human partner. Proper care and maintenance can extend their lifespan.
  • A Realistische Sexpuppe can also be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of the user. Users can choose the doll’s hair color, Augenfarbe, Hautfarbe, and other physical characteristics. They can also choose the doll’s clothing and accessories.

Abschließend, silicone sex dolls offer a safe, low-maintenance, and customizable option for adult entertainment. They can provide both practical and emotional benefits and can be a valuable addition to the lives of those who use them.


Are silicone sex dolls safe to use?

Silicone sex dolls are generally considered safe to use as long as they are used responsibly and with common sense. The first lifelike and customizable sex doll has been created in centuries, thanks to technology.

What is the lifespan of silicone sex dolls?

Properly cared-for silicone sex dolls can last a very long time. Jedoch, their lifespan can vary depending on how they are used and stored.

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