La mejor tienda de muñecas sexuales en EE. UU., Canadá & Europa. Envío gratis & los mejores precios.

¿Cómo se hace la muñeca sexual más realista??

El proceso de investigación y desarrollo y producción más realista de muñecas sexuales.. El proceso general es el siguiente:

(1) Selección de modelos de la vida real., modelos de la vida real, y finos escultores realizan esculturas basadas en modelos.

(2) Realice un escaneo 3D de los modelos finamente tallados para establecer un modelo 3D digital del cuerpo humano.

(3) In the digital 3D model of the human body, design a 3D model of the human body skeletal carbon fiber plus elastic memory metal skeleton and the matching human body weight loss memory foam elastic inner liner.

(4) Design a 3D outer mold for integral injection in the digital human body 3D model, then print the mold through a 3D printer and combine the designed digital 3D outer mold to make a glass fiber reinforced plastic outer mold for the integral injection of the human body.

(5) The skeletal-like carbon fiber and elastic memory metal skeleton of the human body is produced from the elastic inner liner of the human body weight-reducing memory foam, which is placed in the outer mold made of glass fiber reinforced plastic for the integral casting of the human body, and then the integral injection is carried out.

(6) After the injection is completed, paint the most realistic sex doll, mainly makeup, hair transplant, skin texture, capillaries, etc.

(7) After various process treatments, the coating of the most realistic sex doll is stable and does not fade.

(8) After the comprehensive quality inspection, dress the dolls and carry out an exquisite imitation of the damaged packaging before shipping to consumers.

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