Besta kynlífsbrúðubúðin í Bandaríkjunum, Kanada & Evrópa. Frí sending & bestu verðin.

Hvernig kynlífsdúkkur hjálpa okkur til sjálfsánægju?

The following article gives brief and precise information about the sex dolls and how men can use for self-pleasure. Sex dolls have changed during that time with the fundamental being scratched out of ivorythe maker of whom striking his craftsmanship such a great deal of he dealt with her, washed her, set down […]

Ráð til að finna bestu gæða kynlífsdúkkurnar

Grown-up Sex Doll Store er megin netverslun þar sem þú getur keypt mikið af kynlífsdúkkum fyrir sjálfsheilla. Við höfum bestu fullvissu um sanngjarnar kynlífsdúkkur: Gert er ráð fyrir að TPE Silicone Shrewd kynlífsbrúðuvélmenni kynlífsbrúðufjör uppfylli allar forsendur þínar og kynlífsdúkkur eru kynlífsleikföng raðað með því að fjölfalda […]

Hvernig á að finna bestu kynlífsdúkkurnar fyrir sjálfsánægju?

Eftirfarandi fréttatilkynning er allt um Adult Sex Doll Store sem býður upp á mikið úrval af kynlífsdúkkum fyrir karlmenn. Í Adult Sex Doll Store, þar sem þú getur tekið eftir kynlífsbúnaðardúkkunum. Við erum traust og útbreidd vefsíða til að kaupa kynlífsdúkkur á vefnum. Allar sambærilegar kynlífsdúkkur í verslun okkar […]

Hvernig á að finna viðeigandi kynlífsdúkku

In life, if you and your sex partner do not have a harmonious sex life, please don’t feel alone, you can buy your favorite sex doll in our sex doll store. We sell sex dolls to meet your sexual needs. The sex dolls we sell include fat dolls, big breasts, big ass, and small breasts. […]

Hvar á að kaupa raunhæfustu kynlífsdúkkurnar

The most realistic sex dolls and surreal love dolls are for sale online. Do you want to buy a realistic sex doll? We bring you the best quality sex dolls at the cheapest prices. Male surreal sex doll silicone best sex doll info and images. This is a sex shop that mainly sells adult dolls. […]

Hvernig kynlífsdúkkur nota til sjálfsánægju & Unun

The following article gives brief and precise information about sex dolls and how men can use them for self-pleasure. Sex dolls have been modified through the years with the primary being sculpted out of ivorythe maker of whom well-known his craftsmanship so much he fed her, bathed her, slept with her, and indeed […]

Að smíða þína eigin sérsniðnu kynlífsdúkku

The fantasy of every individual is varied and a custom sex doll allows individuals to bring their wildest dreams into reality. There are tons of options available in this category along with an incredible selection of these dolls made of top-quality TPE material. Svo, you have the option of making your very own sex doll […]

Hvort er betra að kaupa, sílikon eða TPE dúkkur?

A. Formáli: Eins og við vitum öll, það eru tvö meginefni í hinum líkamlega kynlífsdúkkuheimi: sílikon og TPE, báðar eru ólíkar að efni, finnst, teygja, lykt, og verð. Kísill er lyktarlaust, ekki auðveldlega vansköpuð, með húðupplýsingar nálægt raunverulegu fólki, og hefur mjög góð skrautgæði; TPE er mjúkt, teygjanlegt […]

Hvernig mun raunhæfasta kynlífsdúkkan í framtíðinni líta út?

Adult Sex Doll Store® introduced that the most realistic sex dolls in the future will evolve rapidly and will be closer to humanoid robots, in automatic actions, facial expression changes, interactive voice communication, constant body temperature, imitating human orgasm, flushing reaction, and spasm. Reaction, body fluid secretion, o.s.frv. will be gradually realized. The most realistic […]

Hverjir eru gallar raunhæfustu kynlífsdúkkanna?

The low-end dolls currently on the market, mainly dolls priced under US$300, still have many defects. The main defects are as follows: (1) The skeleton of the doll is rough and stiff, it can’t make a few poses, and it’s very laborious. And the skeleton has no elasticity and cushioning, it feels like playing with […]

Hvernig er raunhæfasta kynlífsdúkkan gerð?

The most realistic research and development and production process of sex dolls. The general process is as follows: (1) Selection of real-life models, real-life models, and fine sculptors carry out model-based sculptures. (2) Carry out 3D scanning of the finely carved models to establish a digital 3D model of the human body. (3) In the […]

Raunhæfasta uppbygging beinagrindar kynlífsdúkkunnar

(1) Simple steel frame with limited poses and no fingers or toe bones. (2) Improved simple steel frame, which can pose more and has finger and toe bones. (3) Human-like bone-type stainless steel with elastic memory metal frame, basically able to pose most yoga poses, with fingers and toe bones. (4) The skeletal carbon fiber […]

Raunhæfasta flokkun kynlífsdúkkuefnis

(1) The most realistic sex doll made of silicone material. Pouring at room temperature is easy to paint and more expensive. (2) The most realistic sex doll made of TPE material. Pouring at high temperature, painting is more troublesome, and the price is cheap. (3) The head is made of silicone material and the body […]